The Forgotten Village by Lorna Cook Blog Tour

The Forgotten Village by Lorna Cook:

It's the second stage of the Blog Tour for the new book from Avon Books The Forgotten Village by Lorna Cook. It's a dual timeline romance perfect for your holidays.

My Review:

The Forgotten Village is a dual-time romance, light and easy to read it is the perfect holiday read to while away the time on your sun lounger with.

It tells two womens’ stories, one in 1943 and the other in the present day. Both women have managed to lumber themselves with unbearable men who have turned out to be complete swine, both women have been bullied mercilessly by their male counterparts and been trampled underfoot by their domineering other halves. Fortunately, both women begin to realise this and make an attempt to break free but is it too late? The Forgotten Village will let us find out.

In modern-day Cornwall, we meet Melissa who for some reason which is pretty hard to comprehend has come on holiday with a total boor, Liam, who treats her worse than a doormat! Of course, she ends up having a dreadful holiday, left alone to amuse herself whilst he swans off and has a great time leaving her to her own devices. I don’t know if I was more annoyed at him for behaving like a cad or at her for complicitly going out with him for as long as she has.

Deciding to explore the local area a bit she ends up at a place of historical interest, a small Cornish village which has been shut off from the world since the Second World War when it was requisitioned by the army and the occupants were all forced to leave.

This creates the link for us to venture into the past where we meet Lady Veronica, preparing for flight from their family home to surrender it to the armed forces and at the same time  trying to plan her own escape from another domineering bloke I was just itching to see get his come-uppance. To find out if I was granted this desire you’ll have to read the book yourself!

Of course, this is romantic fiction and the romance soon happens when Melissa happens to bump into a much more charming man than the one she is thinking of dumping. Guy is a handsome and compassionate actor who is taking part in a planned tv show about the eponymous Forgotten Village of Tyneham. Together with Guy, Melissa decides to investigate more about the past linked to the village and in particular Lady Veronica, to whom Guy has a link as his ageing Aunt had worked in this village as her “Ladies maid”

This creates the dual storyline, which is well done and undeniably compelling. It has all the romantic interest you'd expect from a romance with the historical aspect providing a few twists and a mystery which has been concealed over the years. It is in this past where Melissa will discover a dark secret which will still have ramifications today.

I would personally have liked more historical depth to the story, about the history and the past of the village. But this is romantic fiction and if you want a book that’s entertaining and romantic to read on your sun lounger this will fit the bill perfectly.

The Forgotten village is available in Paperback or ebook to add to your holiday reads list now. Find a copy here.

The Blurb

A timeless story of love and sacrifice, perfect for fans of Rachel Hore, Tracy Rees and Kate Morton.

1943: The world is at war, and the villagers of Tyneham are being asked to make one more sacrifice: to give their homes over to the British army. But on the eve of their departure, a terrible act will cause three of them to disappear forever.

2017: Melissa had hoped a break on the coast of Dorset would rekindle her stagnant relationship, but despite the idyllic scenery, it’s pushing her and Liam to the brink. When Melissa discovers a strange photograph of a woman who once lived in the forgotten local village of Tyneham, she becomes determined to find out more about her story. But Tyneham hides a terrible secret, and Melissa’s search for the truth will change her life in ways she never imagined possible. 


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