
Showing posts from February, 2017

Bad Little Girl - Frances Vick - twisty thriller

Bad Little Girl – Frances Vick My review An absolute corker of a psychological thriller, with a deprived and abused little girl at the heart of it – prepare to be moved – prepare to be terrified. Take an inner city school. Meet Claire, a harassed, very compassionate and caring, middle aged teacher who sometimes feels like a bit of dinosaur as she juggles the responsibilities of her dull private life, her irascible Mother, her non-existent social life, with her beloved career. Her path meets that of neglected 5 year old Lorna from a feckless family with a bad reputation on a run-down housing estate and both their lives are about to be affected by the meeting. Warning bells ring when Claire uncovers a heinous crime – Lorna, with the stick like limbs, the dirty clothes and the badly worn shoes, in a bid to be accepted by her peers, has stolen some collectable kids erasers and thus Rubbergate is unleashed! Far from bringing her friendship and admiration it makes her despised and scorned. I

Sharing a couple of book giveaways

Quick catch up and links to a couple of great book giveaways I feel as though I've abandoned my blog - because all the books I've read this month are for blog tours which aren't happening yet! So just to keep everyone updated I've rounded up a few of the great #book #Giveaways around at the moment (and there are some wonderful titles available) who doesn't love the thrill of winning and a lovely new #free #book arriving? While you visit these great book blogs stay and have a read, you'll find some wonderful reviews and recommendations of the best new books around. Visit Lindasbookbag  for the chance to win a copy of Something Missing by Glenice Whitting. A book about two very different women in 2 countries whose lives entwine. Linda tells me she is hosting more giveaways in the near future so why not follow her book blog? On Beinganne  you'll find a giveaway for Through the Barricades by Denise Deegan a romantic World war One novel by a talented author.