
Dragon Lady by Autumn Bardot - Extract and blog Tour

Dragon Lady by Autumn Bardot - Extract and blog Tour Today I'd like to invite you along on the Historical Fiction virtual Blog Tour for the hot and exciting Dragon Lady by Autumn Bardot. As I haven't yet managed to read this book I'm offering a free extract to tempt you to investigate further. I think you'll agree that Dragon Lady offers something sultry and exciting for readers of historical fiction set in exotic locations. Its a story based on a factual character, of a determined young woman and her struggle to succeed in a world where women are only valued for their bodies EXTRACT By the time the lookout sighted Donghai Island I was familiar with both Zheng Yi’s temperament and the ship’s layout. Man and boat were much the same. The iron-like strength of the main mast matched Zheng Yi’s unyielding and strong will. The watertight camphor and pine bulkheads were as impenetrable as Zheng Yi’s command, his leadership sealed by experience as a former Tâyson rebel leader.

#AnEchoOfScandal - @LauraMadeleine - Blog Tour - Excerpt via Random Things Tours

An Echo of Scandal - Laura Madelaine - Blog Tour and a free Extract. The first thing which struck me about an Echo of Scandal is the Sumptuous cover which perfectly conjures up the settings of Historic Tangier and Spain in the early 20th century. The Luscious cover I must admit I'm dreadfully disappointed that I haven't been able to make time to read it yet but also really glad I still have it to look forward to as it sounds like the most perfect bit of autumn escapism. So, instead of a review to whet your appetite I have a free extract for you which I hope you'll read to see if you fancy reading the book, I know I do. Heres a description of the book from the publisher Black Swan (an imprint of Penguin Random house books) : "The sumptuous and seductive world of Tangier in the early 20th century is a world where men make decisions and women follow. But Alejandra is determined to secure her independence, at any cost." In the dead of night, with blood on her hands,

Spotlighting The Beltane Choice by Nancy Jardine for #rararesources

Today I'm joining the Blog Tour for the first in an exciting historical fiction saga series of books by Nancy Jardine. Entitled The Beltane Choice its the first of a series of 4 books set in Roman Britain the Celtic Fervour Series. Here's the description to whet your appetite: AD 71 Northern Roman Britain Lorcan of the Brigantes knows that unity of the northern tribes is essential when the Ancient Roman legions advance northwards to Brigantia. Yet, everything comes at a price. Using his captive, Nara, as a political bargain with the Selgovae comes with impossible stipulations. Battle at Whorl – Iron Age tribes against the Romans – is inevitable. Will Nara have her Beltane choice? The adventures of the Garrigill Clan begin… How fabulous does this series sound! Read more or buy it here  About the Author: Author Bio – Nancy Jardine writes historical fiction; time-travel historical adventure; contemporary mystery thrillers; and romantic comedy. She lives in Aberdeenshire, Scotland,

Spotlight for blog tour Re-navigation by Sue Parritt

Spotlight for blog tour Re-navigation by Sue Parritt Although I have been unable to fit Sue's new book into my reading schedule yet I'm pleased to be part of the Blog Tour highlighting her latest title - Re-navigation. Here's the blurb to help you decide if you'd like to add it to your library. A gloomy seascape is of little consequence to Julia, as a ferry transports her to an isolated Welsh island to undertake a Spiritual Development course. Soon, Julia finds herself surrounded by new friends and questions. As relationships deepen, so does Julia’s feeling that something crucial is missing from her life. As passion ignites and deep-buried secrets surface, Julia faces choices that will forever change the direction of her life. But at what cost? Purchase links: US - UK - Book Depository - About the Author Sue Parritt and her previou

Feed Thy Enemy by Sue Parritt - Blog Tour @rararesources

Feed Thy Enemy by Sue Parritt - Blog Tour Today I am spotlighting the new title by Sue Parritt entitled Feed Thy Enemy. Feed Thy Enemy is a heartwarming story about an airman who served in World War Two, coming to terms with his past via a series of flashbacks to when he risked everything 30 years earlier. It is based on a true event and promises to be exciting and thought-provoking. Description: In this heart-warming narrative based on a true story, a British airman embarks on a plan that risks it all to feed a starving, war-stricken family.  Thirty years after serving in World War II, middle-aged Rob’s holiday plans see an unforeseen change that leads him on a coach tour of Italy. Struggling with post-war PTSD and depression, he reluctantly agrees to the journey – and sparks a dream that plunges him into long-stifled memories. Set in Europe, Sue Parritt’s  Feed Thy Enemy  is an account of courage and compassion in the face of trauma. When Rob’s flashback delves into his attempts t

Review - A Single Thread by Tracy Chevalier

Review - A Single Thread by Tracy Chevalier What makes this book a wonderfully enjoyable read is the authors' talent at taking subjects I have absolutely no interest in and weaving such a lovely story around them that I am absorbed and entranced throughout.  Her writing is outstanding and the book is a delight to read. It tells the story of a very ordinary young woman, Violet, who has had the misfortune to become one of the thousands of "surplus" women following World War One. In an era when a woman’s worth was measured by the quality of husband she could marry and at a time when men are extremely thin on the ground and eligible ones almost non-existent, there are a plethora of such unattached ladies, the archetypal spinster. Violet lives at home with her overbearing and crotchety Mother who neither appreciates nor values her daughter. Violet has known love, she is one of many women whose fiancé was killed in the war. Approaching early middle age her opportunities are few

#TheLostDaughter by @SylviaBroady - #Review and #BlogTour

#TheLostDaughter by @SylviaBroady -  #Review and #BlogTour Today I'm part of the Blog Tour for the lovely engaging emotional read that is The Lost Daughter by Sylvia Broady and I'm thrilled to announce that it is available to purchase for the ridiculous sum of just 99p between 22nd and 29th August, now considering its a gorgeous book and you can't buy a cup of coffee for 99p these days, please read my review and let yourself be tempted. Amazon UK   - Amazon US -   My Review To say I got swept along with this story is no exaggeration, I found it a completely immersive read, very easy to get involved with and just pure reading delight, pretty emotional throughout, by the end I had a soggy tear-soaked tissue in my hand. We first meet our main character, Alice, as she is running for her life as her big bully of a husband, tries to beat